Supreme Keep It Clean Lavender 500ml
Keep It Clean is the ultimate cleaner, deodorant and disinfectant for pet’s and their environments. Keep It Clean is an advanced product that can be used in several ways to ensure that pet environments stay hygienically clean.
– Can be used to clean hutches, cages, bedding, carpets and any housing areas.
– Safe to use on animals themselves (avoiding eyes & ears), and on their bedding as a deoderiser.
– Use as a disinfectant, Proven to assist in the prevention of bacterial infections such as Canine Distemper, Viral Haemorrhagic Disease and Myxomatosis. Also reduces the risks associated with Flystrike.
Keep It Clean is safe to use on all animals, dogs, cats, reptiles, rabbits, guinea pigs, hamsters, gerbils, ferrets, chinchillas, rats, mice and all other small animals.